Identify governance risk in the companies they hold.


Bespoke Analysis

Institutional investors use our Bespoke Analysis to identify governance risk in the companies they own or are considering investing in.

Our analysts maintain a detailed assessment of the material governance issues in S&P ASX 300 companies.

We don’t tick boxes, sell ratings or make checklists. Instead we deliver a concise, up-to-date assessment of substantive governance issues in their commercial context.

Insight is delivered by:

  • Monthly updates to our Governance Concerns Index identifying the bottom quartile of governance performers in the S&P ASX 100 Index and the ex-ASX 100 Index
  • Concise tear sheets on the Governance Concerns Index including our assessment of Board Quality, Related Party Risks, Accounting Issues, Dilution Risk and Remuneration concerns
  • Timely notes on accounting quality or emerging governance matters at listed companies
  • Litigation Watch is our semi-annual watchlist of litigation issues that may have a material bearing on an S&P ASX 300 company’s earnings
  • OM provides clients a monthly report collating and assessing all director trading (buying and selling) for entities in the ASX 300 Index, paying attention to issues such as relative size of trading vs holdings.

Our Bespoke Analysis reports are a perfect background information for meeting with issuers on governance matters or as due diligence within your investment process.



Promote an intelligent, evidence-based public debate on governance issues.


Use shareholder rights to their advantage at company meetings.


Monitor, defend and advance their ownership rights throughout capital markets.


Identify governance risk in the companies they hold.